AI Executive Leader
As an executive AI leader, I help organizations build AI teams, shape AI mindsets, and form product visions and strategies around AI-first principles. I specialize in Search, Recommendation & Advertising for Modern Marketplaces (e.g., Jobs, E-commerce, etc.) and have deep experience transforming AI solutions into business upsides.
Currently, I am Director of Engineering, AI at LinkedIn, Head of Talent Marketplace AI team, which comprises nearly 60 ML engineers and applied researchers. I am responsible for overseeing multi-billion-dollar impact for LinkedIn Talent business and empower millions of job seekers find next plays. Our team owns both the organic and paid experiences for job search, recommendation and notification product domains, which creates unique opportunities to drive innovations from a holistic point of view.
Prior to joining LinkedIn, I served as a Director of Data Science and Machine Learning at Etsy, where I was instrumental in growing a team of five members to an organization of 40 data scientists and machine learning engineers, with teams in New York City and San Francisco. The centralized organization I developed delivered critical machine learning solutions on Etsy’s search and recommendation products, contributing to its early success in applying AI to products. Before Etsy, I worked as a Senior Manager of Research at Yahoo Research from 2013 to 2016. I hold a Ph.D. (2013), M.S. (2010) from Lehigh University and B.S. (2007) from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, all in Computer Science.
In addition to these roles, as an industrial researcher, I co-authored papers in all major international conferences in data mining and applied machine learning including SIGIR, WWW, KDD, CIKM, AAAI, WSDM, RecSys, and ICML with more than 6,400 citations (H-index: 28), winning multiple paper awards (WWW 2011, WSDM 2023, RecSys 2014). I also regularly serve as senior or regular program committee members in KDD, WWW, SIGIR, WSDM, AAAI, EMNLP, ICWSM, ACL, CIKM, IJCAI as well as constantly reviewing articles in most prestigious journals such as DMKD, TKDD, TIST, TOIS, and TKDE. Previously, I co-organized several tutorials on user engagement metrics and optimization topics at WWW 2019, WSDM 2018, KDD 2014, and CIKM 2013. More recently, I co-organized workshops on computational jobs marketplace on KDD 2022 and WSDM 2022.
Tech Community Activities
From 2024, I started to give a series of invited talks on the topic “Supercharging Jobs Marketplace” at
- Keynote Talk at AdKDD 2024@KDD 2024 (August, 2024).
- Keynote Talk at AI4HR & PES@ECML-PKDD 2024 (September, 2024).
Between 2021 and 2023, I gave talks on the topic of “Computational Jobs Marketplace” at:
- Invited Talks: Chinese edition at SDCon 2023 (April 2023), CS Dept. at Michigan State University (April 2023), CBA AI Frontiers event (October, 2022), Southern Data Science 2022 (September, 2022), Melbourne Search and Recommendation Group Meetup (November, 2021), The AI Summit | Silicon Valley (November, 2021).
- Keynote Talks: Decision Making for Information Retrieval and Recommender Systems Workshop at The Web Conference 2023 (April 2023), RecSys in HR 2022 (September 2022)
And at the same time, I co-organized two workshops on the same topic:
- The Second International Workshop on Computational Jobs Marketplace as part of AAAI 2025.
- The Workshop on Decision Intelligence and Analytics for Online Marketplaces: Jobs, Ridesharing, Retail, and Beyond at KDD 2022.
- The First International Workshop on Computational Jobs Marketplace as part of WSDM 2022.
Recent Papers & Posts
- 2024-10-20 “Learning Links for Adaptable and Explainable Retrieval” [LINK] and “Understanding and Modeling Job Marketplace with Pretrained Language Models” [LINK] at CIKM 2024.
- 2024-09-08 A new post about KDD 2024.
- 2024-05-13 “Collaborative Large Language Model for Recommender Systems” at The Web Conference 2024. [LINK]
- 2023-08-06 “Path-Specific Counterfactual Fairness for Recommender Systems” at KDD 2023. [LINK]
- 2022-08-21 A new post about thoughts regarding KDD 2022.
- 2022-08-26 “Remote Work Optimization with Robust Multi-channel Graph Neural Networks” at KDD 2022 Workshop. [LINK]